Available courses
The objective of the training is to deliver practical lab (and
minor bioinformatics skills) on a small and relatively affordable DNA sequencing device,
the MinION from Oxford Nanopores Technologies. We go from tissue to COI
reference DNA barcode within the WAMBA-net summer school 2024 at the Université Nangui Abrogoua, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. Although this lab focused training targets the generation of a reference DNA
barcode database, the same protocol can be used to monitor
biodiversity with eDNA.
This course offers asynchronous training on GIS (Geographical Information System) applications.
Monitoring the Status of Marine Coastal Ecosystems
The workshop is scheduled for September 26 – October 21, 2022. Foto© by Jordan Casey. Please visit the ZMT website for further information. Here you find a short report.
Marine Research in an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Environment. The course aims to introduce
participants to ZMT´s mission and vision and to
establish a relation to their own research
project. This includes a reflection on the
research design of their project and on concepts
of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity
which are central to ZMT.
Eventhough it was
initially designed for Doctoral candidates we feel
that also Postdocs, especially when they are new
at ZMT, can profit from the course - and be a
contribution to the course at the same time.
Marine Research in an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Environment. The course aims to introduce
participants to ZMT´s mission and vision and to
establish a relation to their own research
project. This includes a reflection on the
research design of their project and on concepts
of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity
which are central to ZMT.
Eventhough it was
initially designed for Doctoral candidates we feel
that also Postdocs, especially when they are new
at ZMT, can profit from the course - and be a
contribution to the course at the same time.
Marine Research in an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Environment. The course aims to introduce
participants to ZMT´s mission and vision and to
establish a relation to their own research
project. This includes a reflection on the
research design of their project and on concepts
of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity
which are central to ZMT.
Eventhough it was
initially designed for Doctoral candidates we feel
that also Postdocs, especially when they are new
at ZMT, can profit from the course - and be a
contribution to the course at the same time.
Welcome to ZMT's Alumni Conference 2021!
- Manager: Janna Just
- Manager: Julian Lilkendey
Beim deutschlandweiten Girls / Boys Day (auch Zukunftstag) beteiligt
sich das ZMT mit diesem
digitalen Angebot. Hier wird Arbeits- und Informationsmaterial bereitgestellt. Im begleitenden Videotreffen am 22.4.2021 werden exemplarisch Berufswege vorgestellt und Raum zur Diskussion gegeben. Beispielhaft werden am Thema Korallenriff und Nachhaltigkeit Arbeitsfelder des Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenforschung aufgezeigt.
- Manager: Achim Meyer